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Doc’s Gold Screamer Power Pack, Li-Ion Battery System for Minelab PI’s

(3 customer reviews)


Lose the cord, lose the weight, PUMP
up the volume to hear faint targets.

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Goldscreamer Power Pack, Lightweight Li-Ion Battery system available for Minelab SD, GP or GPX series.

Note – Make sure you specify what pin configuration you need when ordering, the SD/GP 4 pin, or the GPX series 5 pin & with or without Slimline External Speaker.

14 ounces gives you 7 to 8 hours of detecting power with the awesome amplification power of Doc’s famous Gold Screamer amp.

We took the Gold Screamer amp, and added a 7000 mAh battery for the lightest, loudest power solution you will find for your Minelab SD, GP or GPX series.

What do you get?

2 – 7.4v 7000 mAh Premium Lithium Ion Batteries*, 1 Gold Screamer Power Pack amplifier, 1 Digital Dual Li-ion Car/Wall Charger, and a Control Box cover with integrated pouch to house your cordless solution to detecting.

Now what we have come to notice is that by eliminating the big curly power cord and using a little short cord that is hard wired into the Gold Screamer with the other end having the 5 pin plug that attaches to your control box, all of a sudden these machines are running smoother.

Now along with the fact that you are getting rid of the curly cord, and the problem with getting caught on branches, we are speculating that perhaps some of the EMI has been caused by the big curly cord.

We know connection points are a weak chain in the link and they can cause interference, so the fewer the better. The curly power cord has two connectors, and if you were attempting to use an amplifier that meant even more connection points. With the GOLD SCREAMER POWER PACK there is one connector, the one that plugs into the detector. You have the power to run your detector, and massive amplification to hear even the faintest targets.

Making the detector run smoother was simply an unexpected benefit. The real benefit is the reduced weight, and the freedom of not being hooked up to your detector with a curly cord.

One Minelab GPX Lithium Ion battery costs $441, and the amplification from the Minelab battery is good, but it may not be enough for people with hearing impairment. Doc’s Gold Screamer Power Pack is ONLY $469 and it comes with two batteries. Because our system is modular, if you need yet another battery it is only an additional $45.

If you need an optional External Speaker, it is regularly $49.95, if you buy it with the system it is an additional $40. If it is too hot for headphones, or you want to be able to train someone, the speaker is an excellent tool. The picture below show Doc’s special Slim Line speaker attached to the control box cover.
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*We reserve the right to substitute components that function as well as or better than those pictured.  We are currently using PREMIUM POWER 2000 Chargers and DELUXE Power 2000 batteries which are far superior to the charger and batteries pictured.  And while the Power 2000 batteries are only 7000 mAh compared to the 7800 mAh they last almost a half hour longer in actual use.

*We can only warranty batteries for 30 days.  If you get a battery and it is working fine, (all batteries are tested before they are shipped) there is no reason why that battery should not give you years of service provided you take care of your battery.  That includes USING the battery.  Lithium Ion batteries like to be used, and recharged.  They do not like to be left laying around, with or without a charge.  If you store your battery, charge it and store it in a COOL place.  Don’t leave it in your hot car, or hot garage.  Never store a battery for more than 30 days without discharging it and recharging it.  A fully charged battery should put out a voltage of at least 8 volts.  A discharged battery should read around 7.2 volts.  Do NOT discharge your battery lower than 7.2 volts.

Questions on this product?  Call and talk with a trained expert before the purchase to find out if this is the right product for your needs.  Call today at 623.362.1459 or 602.909.9008